Konstantinos Stellos, MD
Professor of Medicine
Chair of Cardiovascular Research Heidelberg University
+49 621 383 71515
Department of Cardiovascular Research
Medical Faculty Mannheim
of the Heidelberg University
Ludolf-Krehl-Straße 13-17
D-68167 Mannheim, Germany
A Bit About Me
Prof. Konstantinos Stellos is a physician-scientist who currently works as Professor of Medicine and Chair of the Department of Cardiovascular Research of the Heidelberg University in Germany. In addition, he works as Attending Physician at the Medical Clinic of the University Hospital Mannheim of the Heidelberg University.
His pioneering research is focused on the elucidation and delineation of RNA-based mechanisms in immunovascular control of age-related inflammatory and cardiometabolic diseases, and has been published in top-tier journals such as Nature Medicine, Immunity, Annals of Internal Medicine, Circulation, European Heart Journal, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Circulation Research and JAMA Cardiology. He has been the recipient of numerous international awards, including the European Society of Cardiology Outstanding Achievement Award 2020. He currently serves the scientific community by several voluntarily positions in major international societies and scientific journals. He works as an Associate Editor of the European Heart Journal and the Cardiovascular Research journal as well as Chair of the Professional/Public Education and Publications Committee of the Council on Genomic and Precision Medicine of the American Heart Association.